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Workplace Innovator Podcast | Enhancing Your Employee Experience | Facility Management | CRE | Digital Workplace Technology

The Workplace Innovator Podcast is where Mike Petrusky talks with corporate real estate and facility management leaders about industry trends and technologies impacting your organization.

May 26, 2020

Steve Todd is AVP, Global Head of Workplace at Nasdaq and Founder of Open Sourced Workplace where Mike Petrusky visits with him every morning for a YouTube livestream to discuss workplace issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mike asks Steve about how he is holding up personally after more than two months in lockdown...

May 19, 2020

Chad Smith is Vice President of Product Strategy at iOFFICE and Lorri Strasser is Vice President of Global Solutions at NELSON Worldwide. On May 12, 2020, Mike Petrusky hosted a live webinar broadcast called “Design a Safer Workplace with Appropriate Physical Distancing” where Chad and Lori shared a vision of...

May 12, 2020

Kay Sargent is Senior Principal and Director of WorkPlace at HOK where she is a recognized expert on workplace design and strategy issues. She is an award-winning designer who has worked with several Fortune 500 companies to optimize their global real estate portfolios and create innovative work environments. This...

May 5, 2020

Stormy Friday is an internationally recognized speaker in facility management, is Chair of the ProFMI Commission, and has served on the IFMA Board of Directors and the BOMI International Board of Trustees, Stan Mitchell is CEO of Key Facilities Management International and a recognized pioneer in the development of FM...