Apr 26, 2022
Jos Duchamps is Managing Director at PROCOS Group and a member of the IFMA Global Board of Directors where he is passionate about advancing the facility management profession while helping clients by delivering Space, Software & Soul, for better days on the job! Mike Petrusky asks Jos about his views on the role of the facility manager in a post-pandemic era and they explore the evolution of the FM profession and the need for upskilling and leadership. As the expectations of employees have changed in our hybrid workplace, Mike and Jos agree that the future working environments will need to be managed differently by leveraging new technologies with holistic strategies. In part two of their discussion, Jos shares more about the changing role of the FM and adding value to our workplaces.
Connect with Jos on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jos-duchamps-52762a10/
Learn more about Procos Group: https://www.procosgroup.com/
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Connect with Mike on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikepetrusky/
Share your thoughts with Mike via email: podcast@iOFFICECORP.com