Oct 27, 2020
Kimberly Prescott is Founder and President of Prescott HR and the host of the “HR and Cocktails Podcast” where she is dedicated to developing and implementing real-time customized HR solutions designed for long-term success. In September 2020, Mike Petrusky hosted a live webinar broadcast called “Working with HR to Meet the Needs of Your Workforce Now and in the Future” as Kimberly discussed returning to the workplace and using a “Strategic HR” approach to overcome challenges. She offered practical advice on workplace culture and shared a vision for how FM and CRE leaders can partner with HR to deliver a holistic experience for employees during these fast-changing times!
Connect with Kimberly on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberlyprescottshrmscp/
Watch the full webinar video with Kimberly and Mike: https://www.iofficecorp.com/webinar-download-working-with-hr-to-meet-the-needs-of-your-workforce-now-and-in-the-future
Learn more about the “HR and Cocktails Podcast”: https://anchor.fm/hrandcocktails
Register for future “Workplace Innovator Interactive” livestreams: https://www.iofficecorp.com/live-webinar-2020-weekly-livestream
Discover free resources and explore past interviews at: https://www.workplaceinnovator.com/
Connect with Mike on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikepetrusky/
Share your thoughts with Mike via email: podcast@iOFFICECORP.com